Monday 30 August 2010

Bacon and Eggy are growing up

Eggy is nearly 5 months old and still only has one ball that has dropped, when we take him to the vets for his snip the question is going to be asked what to do with him. His heart murmor is still there but the nice vet lady said it's nothing to worry about. Eggy sleeps in his fluffy basket next to my side of the bed at night, but mysteriously appears above my head at the top of my pillow every morning when I wake up, he proper loves his mummy!

Bacon loves to pin him down and clamp his jaws around his throat - it's only play fighting and sometimes he does bite a bit hard and Eggy squeaks in a really high kitten voice and so I have to break them up.

Bacon takes Eggy outside now around the back of the house and even in Next Doors Front Garden near the Main Road, but it seems Eggy knows not to go near the Main Road (for now anyway). Bacon guards Eggy and follows his when he is outside like he's his personal bouncer, which is  very funny to watch.

Bacon is still Bacon Fat and the diet thing isn't quite working out, I have taken all the dry biscuits away from the bedroom and bathroom, and now only feed the cats in the kitchen (now the stray black cat has gone and doesn't break into our house any more) but he doesn't seem to be losing weight. I need to buy a new pet bed as he's so outgrown the one I bought him last year, plus Eggy keeps trying to climb in with him. This never works out and always ends in a fight.

OK here's a photo of Eggy in his favourite - a paper bag .. and also a sweet video I found online of a kitten falling to sleep. Laterz!

funny pictures of cats with captions

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