Monday 3 May 2010

New kitten next weekend!

Ma's been acting a bit funny lately - some may say no more than everyday - but she is buying kitten litter, and kitten milk and kitten food.

Well, now Sandwich has been adopted by a new loving mum and dad, I have been crying to go outside, even though there is still the big black bully cat wating to ambush me. I want to go out that much in the sunshine, that I was take all risks and have started to stand up for myself even though this big cat is almost twice my weight and size. He's not keeping me from enjoying the fine weather outside!

Ma keep saying how much I would like a new companion, and it's true, I have made friends with a lady cat down the road, and we sit on a fence next to each other and watch the world go by, there is also a nice small black cat that I like to sit with, I don't want to fight, only to defend myself, and these friends are great to spend time with in company, but when I go home I am alone.

When ma n pa go to work, they have to put me in 'LOCKDOWN' and lock me in the house by locking the catflap, otherwise that big black cat comes in and sprays on the furniture, steals my food and beats me up. Ma is especially unhappy as she has had to throw away furniture that he has sprayed on. So I am so pleased to go outside now it's not snowing and the sun is shining.

I also was allowed on to the roof last week for the first time. This was KITTENTASTIC! I was so high! All the seagulls were closer and I did a little machine-gun fire chatter at them, but I did not leap off the roof because Ma was always making sure I understood that it wasn't good to look at the top of the garage 10 feet away (altough Ma said that 2 years ago Sarnie jumped from the roof onto the garage and she was fine)

Ma hopes that I will take to the new kitten better than Sandwich did to me. Apparantly, it will be all over Facebook next weekend...................

1 comment:

  1. Meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow, meow meow meow,La la la la la la la la.Doesn't sound the same without music but i know what i mean lol!!!I look forward to meeting your new housemate Bacon. I bet you are really excited.Take Care xxxx



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