Thursday 4 March 2010

Sarnie is on a free trial in a new home

Sarnie hates me so much, she is unhappy with my presence, which is sad as every day I chirrup and ask her to play, but she hisses and swears and throws boxing punches at me to keep away.

Ma spoke to a friend on the same street where we live, his wife is expecting a baby and they wanted a cat, not a kitten, who does not hurt humans. That is Sarnie all over, she loves humans but hates other cats.

Sarnie is on a 2 week free trial, if it doesn't work out, she is back home. Unfortunately on her first day in her new home she went exploring in the airing cupboard, and the silly mare got stuck down in the wall trying to find a hole to hide. By the time help arrived (Steve, the landlord from the pub) and shelves were taken out, and she was extracted a little unceremoniously, she was a quivering wreck, and hid under the sofa bed on the landing.

Now called "Sarnie HQ"

Sarnie HQ stayed that way all day, until Ma came round to pay a visit and called her to come out. She recognised Ma's voice and was shouting back, a packet of ham that Ma bought round did the trick and she came out.

Me coaxed her downstairs, where she used the litter tray, and ate a little. New Daddy Mark was very very very caring and did his best to scratch her ears and love her, but she was having none of it. As soon as Ma went home, Sarnie went back to HQ.

The next night, as Ma came back from work, she called in again. Sarnie was in HQ, but as soon as she heard Ma's voice, she came down - without ham! She snuggled Ma and let Daddy Mark scratch and love her, and she seemed a lot better.

Today, Daddy Mark reported that Sarnie was fine on the bed with loves, but as soon as New Daddy and Mommy went to sleep, she went back to HQ.

Daddy Mark hopes she is OK in 2 weeks time as that's when his children come to stay, they are not babies, young adults at the age of 11 or so, he doesn't want them to get attached and then Sarnie has to move back out.

We will see ....

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhh Sarnie, please settle in your new home, but sounds to me like you love your old mummy and are just being bloody minded since Bacon arrived and now seems things have back fired.......there's still a chance you can go back home to mummy Nina, Daddy Fred and sister Bacon. Make your mind up and stick to it. Aunty Janinexxx



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